Wednesday 28 September 2022

Mechanics, Game Mechanics.

I've spent what feels like forever writing several games.
I have pushed bits and pieces of them through blogs and so on in the past. 
At this moment, I am arguing with myself over the shooting mechanic for Districts.
So far we have had:
AIM. Roll over the AIM skill in order to hit when shooting. 
AIM. Roll X dice equal to the AIM skill and all scoring 8+ are hits.

So now I have kind of merged this all together in a weird and wondrous way.

AIM: Roll D12. Natural 1 always a miss. Natural 12 always a hit. In order to hit you must score 13+
AIM skill. + D12 result = 13+ is a hit. 
Handling of the weapon sets number of dice rolled. 
Shots on weapon sets maximum number of hits available. 

The natural rolls are in their to have an always miss and always hit situation. 
Some character will have a high AIM value and as is the rule of battle they have to be able to miss from time to time as these things happen, guns jam, bullets fail to reach targets all manner of things can happen so you need a natural fail, along with a natural hit as there will be a character that just can't shoot. So you have to give them that freak chance of just catching the target in-between the armour plates.

Most characters though will have a fairly average middle of the road stat line and this is where we get the game play from. Anything can be built on chance with dice rolls but we also do want to have a tactical game and you will get bonuses to hit from gear and skills, yet there always has to be a chance of getting it so right or a little wrong. 

We all know the real reason nothing ever appears. 
Day job gets in the way and just don't have the confidence to jack in and commit to doing this for myself.
Why? Well I don't want to live on kickstarters. I don't want to lose everything on a risk. I'm a one man crew.I wish I was more, but can't afford to pay people and I am a great believer in you should be paid for all the work you do. Also lack of people I know that live nearby who are actually gamers. 

So a big old never ending cycle of this seems to work bo don't like it lets try this and round we go again. My Scifi game has changed names several times, has had several model redesigns, several dice alterations.

Ah well at least this is here for me thoughts. 

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