Thursday 6 January 2022

Districts. How we got to where we are going.

  1. a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.

  1. a genre of science fiction that has a historical setting and typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.
    "if you like steampunk, this is a great book for you"
    • a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.
      "the essence of steampunk is homage to vintage fashion with a modern, sassy twist"

Trying not to be Cyberpunk or Steampunk. But also possibly Both if you really dig down into it.

So what was Districts planned to be?
Gang based survival game based on missions to win and lose territory.
Gather supplies and generally either be criminal or hero in a universe that may be on the brink of collapse.

The creation of The Districts was designed to house the growing populations of the original colonists. They are worlds that are inhabited maybe great for some but not for you and your crew. Like other crews with in each different District you are trying to keep your block alive.

Why because this is the new world and the old ways of earth are to be tested and pushed against. Throughout the universe so many planets have been colonised, though due to the speed of the launch and the craft that were sent out to take the universe, along with the varying engines, cryo freezers and other creative ways to try and keep human life alive as it travels from Earth to its new home, it has happened at different times.

The first game joins the universe after the war of ascension upon the world of Phoenicia 3.
Though that's not that really important it just explains why the Region that the humans occupy is the way it is. Which shockingly is not smashed to pieces. 
Each District is specialised to how it works and creates in order to maintain the Central City, which because of said War is locked away from the general mass's purely passing goods through holes in walls without ever talking to the outside worlds.
This leads to a break down of each District, just being told they must pay the price and failure will result in punishment. No one is sure if any District has ever had a disciplinary action brought against them, but there is rumours and stories. Which is enough to push the heads of each region to turn to the Gangs to help and raid surrounding Districts in order to meet these demands.

It's not quiet the same story you have heard a million times before, but it is incredibly similar, well maybe for this planet, what about the next solar system and what about the beings that live in said solar systems. 

Humans ran from Earth in a rush, taking some technology but losing even more in the rapid escape from well that is still a secret. Yet this is the idea of the game and the ever expanding presence of the Universe, even Galaxy. 
Each word colonised at different points as said earlier everyone advancing at different rates, while creating new stories between worlds with trade and transport, movement through universes, hiring the best of the best from world to world in order to advance the rulers next decisions? Or even the populace just taking back control?

The game will lend itself to all manner of styles and worlds, each human society will have its own ideas for gangs and people like the real world. Maybe your small group of underground alternatives like using diesel powered chainsaws. Maybe you have a technical understanding greater than those around you and so Plasma weaponry and high tech shields is their thing. 
The whole idea of the Districts is to allow the player to have such a wider breath of imagination and not be tied down to what has come before and allow the player more freedom to be free. 


The game mechanic is stable, and is a cross of Roleplay game and Tabletop Skirmish Game.
Though it is played out on the table, with miniatures it has the possibility to expand your characters, build up through game play, missions and well you'll have to wait.
A D12 system which can be adjusted to any variation if you know what you are doing, Though the D12 is just the main character use system, weapons use different Dice depending on the weapon from D4 to D10. This allows for a wider variations of weapons and combats giving greater variation for tactics and role play elements. 

Game boards being multilevel densely packed cities, Wide open fields with very little cover, Science Fiction smog filled hell holes. A free world to create and tell stories with friends and foes. 


So why has it never appeared, well that is easy, I am in a low paid full time job that takes up all my time to survive and keep a roof over my head, every time I get enough saved up to try and make something of it something else comes along and wipes out my savings and I have to start again. 
Why didn't I ever KickStart it, well that is because it never gets finished as building a whole game system as one person is never easy and trying to find people to help, well lives get in the way. 

So why am I writing this and trying to explain it, is it to get help, or find someone that might have enough faith in me to  go yes we will help you? Well no not really, I just like to get things out of my head and yes I would love for someone to offer me a chance to prove myself and allow me to write, or sculpt for them this isn't going to happen. I accepted this a while ago. I just have to keep plugging away until it is finished and then promote the hell out of it and hope you all like it. 

So then why am I writing this. So I don't forget. I have a minor memory issue due to a drunk driver running me over when I Was 16, and a few weeks after I was 42 I somehow managed to get a viral infection on my brain (Not Covid) which I have spent the best part of the last year trying to get over, my imagination has been hit and miss, my memory has been hit and miss, then when I sculpt I can suddenly hate it for no reason which leads to a bit of a depression. 
I have been fighting this, I have also noticed that as I have started writing blogs once more I am beating it, allowing my brain to find new paths and create new things, though it is taking me a lot longer than it used too. Though I am getting quicker. 


Wow this went from me explaining my concept for Districts my Big Sci Fi skirmish game universe. Into something else if you have gotten this far thank you for reading and I hope to see you somewhere in the future with something new. 
Maybe one day I will actually get the 3 games stuck in my skull into print, but for now we will just work on this one yeah :)


Dave. Aka Fallen. 

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