Tuesday 11 October 2022

Districts: Earth History?

Most of these newly created Districts have no contact with Earth. 

No one has had contact with Earth for several hundred years, well we say years but each colony ship was fitted to match the planetary body they landed on so time is very different from what it once was.
Most Colonies have created their own ways and customs, as the orbits have completed and ancient ways have been forgotten, to some generations the Earth was a fairytale, told to inspire and demonstrate what a world could be like if you put in the work. While other worlds used the Earth as a tale of woe, nightmare fuel of how a planet can turn on it’s inhabitants. There were others that just forgot.
If you can piece all the legends and myths together you may find the truth of what really happened and why the human race quickly escaped into the stars.
Here though we will share simply the story that is found in every terminal on every craft that ever left the home world.
As we stripped the planet of resources, Iron, Gold, Fossil Fuels, we looked to the stars to keep our planet spinning. Out was sent the Drone crafts, the scanners, the hunters. Signals returned showing where these needed resources were. Our ancestors sent out the colony ships and the work crews to bring back these precious materials for the world to survive. This of course took centuries and as such Earth was lost during the transition. We were not fast enough in the end to save the home wor....#f yo* b*l#v* th#s y£@’ll b*l#v* $nyth#ng. The tr@th #s f$r m£r* h£r#f#ng. # c$n’t t*ll y£@ h*r* b@t y£@ w#ll f#nd the #nf£rm$t#£n y£@ d*s#r* #n t#m*....ld. 

Every Colony was founded at different times.
The Early days the travel lasted years. Were not talking tens of years we are talking centuries.
The cryo systems for longevity of space faring crews and colonists had been perfected long ago. Back at the beginning when this all started faster than light travel was not available.
Quantum clocks were synced to the destination worlds orbits, Calendar though were attempted to hold with the Earth. Though this would never work as each planetary orbit around each of the varying stars within in the wider cosmos had different rates or motion, some span quickly and would complete cycles in less time than a normal Earth day while some would spin slower yet move rapidly around their star cutting down the seasons.
Every ship went into automation once it began its journey and the crew took to their quarters and pods.
Colonists were out before the craft even launched.
These ships being automated began to drop relay satellites as they travelled, in an attempt to increase the signal from the landing zone to Earth to relay information back and forth. . . The only problem was this didn’t work. When the ships arrived and began to populate the planets, there was no return signal from Earth. Though it helped to link all the new colonies not one ever managed to get a reply from the home world. An over the years that followed Earth became a distant memory...
With time and generations Earth was forgotten, the District was all that mattered and trading to survive, be it on world or off world.